Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Lance got his new guitar this morning, while we were staying home "sick". I'd been sitting on the couch: feeling stoned and grey and a little hungry, and he was on the family computer off to the side, looking up hockey stuff. We had started some sort of arguement (we're still at that egdy, cut-throat stage), when he turned to the couch, where his shiny new Zion GT Shoreline Gold sat, pristeen and shiny and said "ShhhHHH...Don't yell in front of the guitar." And he kissed me on the nose and took it downstairs.
If he could have sex with it, he'd have NO use for me.


Blogger dragonflyfilly said...

congrats on the new "baby", heh don't go being a jealous "daddy", if you know what i mean...

anyway, how's it going, it has been such a long time since we chatted...i deleted my "google" link by mistake, when i was trying to insert some blog links onto my what?

oh well, cheers for now,

2:40 a.m.  
Blogger chase said...

trust me, screwing a guitar is not even

how are you love? I know i've been incog, but you always know how to email me (hint hint) lol

big hugs

12:00 a.m.  
Blogger Mr. Death said... much info there chase...I'll drop you a line when I stop being so damn busy!! lol

You can just re-link it...the way you did with the blogs. If there's ferther problems, I'm sure the admins can fix it, or explain.


10:49 p.m.  

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