Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentines Day

I was heading to my baba's on the Friday, packing my stuff and was surprised, when I discovered Lance wanted to go with me. (Not surprised because he didn't find it interesting, but surprised because he never has). He asked me, "Can I come and does your gramma know?"
And I said, "About...?"
"Why not?"
I gave him a look. "'Cause she's my baba, Lance. She doesn't need to know."
He grinned, "Someday she's going to wonder why you don't have little kids of your own running amuck, pillaging villages, spreading plagues...setting fire to government buildings......"
I threw a pair of pants at him.
I wasn't intending on telling her, not because I was ashamed, but because I didn't want her to know...I was afraid of what she'd think.
She was very, very happy to see Lance and I, so after he was asleep I told her.
It was TERRIFYING. I said, "Lance and I are dating" except it wasn't worded as well and I stuttered and blushed.
She was looking at me, and when I finished, she looked at me sternly. Then, she said, "I don't like it." and it seemed like forever until she spoke again, my heart almost fell out of my insides. "...but if it's what you want, and it makes you happy" she looked to where Lance was passed out on the couch. "then I'll learn to like it."
She smiled, and hugged me (I, still paralysed with fear) and then I went to bed.

Firstly, I woke up and it was still dark...Linkin Park's Somewhere I Belong playing faintly for some reason. I lay there, kind of confused for a while, until the song ended, and Jimmy Eat World's Polaris turned on.Then, I realize (of course) that Lance was either on the computer, or had his music on while doing something else.
So when I sit up, (*music*...can you tell me, you say that love goes your darkest times... *music*) I heard the water running in the bathroom beside me.
I was about to walk into the next room, and ignore it, when I heard a gurgle and I guess he spit something out.
I heard Lance say, "OH! No..." then he stuck his wet, PINK(!) head out of the bathroom door and said, "Never, NEVER drink soap!"
I don't think there was much that could have stopped me from choking on my laughter....
(*music*...i feel that when i'm old...ill look at you and know...the world was beautiful...*music*) He smiled when he saw me turn towards his computer room, and said, "It seemed oddly appropriate, eh? Plus, I like the guys vocals."
"They're like yours." I said, a little passively. His hair was flattened....triangular, sopping wet.
"And I'm great." He smiled, and went back into the bathroom.
**Thats one thing I'm infatuated by...that he can do something totally up in pink hair, after announcing he was drinking soap and not tell me if its no deal at all...**
After a while, since I couldn't go back to sleep, I changed his playlist and started listening to Rammstein and MM and moonspell.
We skipped school that day to go to the movies, and saw the original Psycho, Sorry Wrong Number (my favourite), The Birds, and Dial 'M' for Murder. Lance and I were the only "youngens" there, so it was especially fun. I love when the elderly are surprised when I exchange intelligent dialogue with if the piercings and make-up cut off the circulation to my brain...
Lance wrote me a song, too...(it was sooooo pretty...I almost cried) and we sat outside, by the Humber, talking about how much we liked eachother...getting everything off of our chests and such.
When we got back to the Wynter (Alex's cafe/bar), we screwed around with the CD system and listened to Dead Celebrity Status' and Linkin Park's unique brand of intriguing hip-hop, while we drank and ate 6 hours old left-over pancakes....A lot of bitter, loveless music, while we watched the Simpsons and laughed our asses off.
It was pretty good, but I had to avoid sex again, so I got a little angrier frustrated by the end of the night...Lance seems to take this better than I do, but I figure his first experience wasn't as good or comfortable as mine.
I finally asked him about his hair at around 9, and he told me he thought it was appropriate for the holiday...and gthat he thought it looked "faboo".
I agreed, but GOD is he weird. He's so attractive too.
I'm so in love, I think that if I think about it to hard, I will vomit. :)

<3 Hope you had a good Valentine's Day.


Blogger dragonflyfilly said...

you Baba sounds like a neat lady...
Skywriting would be fun, people do make money doing it, i don't know how profitable it is, but it is expensive to get your pilot's licence. I went out with a guy once who had his own plane, he took me up to get an arial view (photo) of my house before i sold it. And he was also building a little one seater plane - such fun - i used to want to fly at one time; but when i was going out with him i got this crazy notion that i would like to be one of those "wing walkers"...well, it never happened...oh well,

sounds like things are going fairly well for you, so far? what new re: pater?

11:02 p.m.  
Blogger Dreamy said...

Wow, she's so understanding! I would never tell my grandmother something like that - it would be like setting off a bomb.

3:47 a.m.  
Blogger Mr. Death said...

Thats what I figured I might have been doing -- setting off a bomb with her, cutting off the only family ties I have...and alas, she doesn't dissapprove of gays and such...but she has always told me she loved me enough to love anything that I did...and I guess she stood true to that...
As for my dad, pj, I'll have to get back to you on that one...

1:25 p.m.  

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