Thursday, December 22, 2005

Allen and Stuff

First off, Lance fell of the roof. We were sitting there, kind of kicking snow off and watching it ht the ground, and argueing about the moon stages (never you mind why). I kicked off a peice of branch and caught Lance's keys with it and they jingled as they fell. Lance leaned forward to see them for some reason (mumbling something about Santa Claus?) and kind of slid. All I did was blink, then heard a crunch as he landed. I kind of jumped down (2 stories isn't so much for either of us if your expecting it) and he was sitting there, looking at his wrist, looking awfully pale. He said, "go get my mom" and then I ran inside.
Anyhoo, his wrist was broken, rather cleanly (in the "biz", thats a good thing), and he got himself a cast ("they come in BLUE? WICKED!"), so he's happy. I was thinking about taking him to a Leafs game tomorrow.

Concerning Allen the Mute, he won't see us, but at least we knows he's okay. We went up to his room (just Lance and me, Eric's still in Kitchener with Amy), and he was blasting MM, and had glass all over his room. It was like a scene from a horror movie. His hair had some blood in it, but we deduced and it was from his arms, which were thoroughly shredded. He was crying, so we didn't know what to do. Lance sat on his bed with him and rubbed his back until Allen hugged him, and I cleaned up all the glass on the floor.
Was it meddlesome of me to call his aunt and get her to pick him up??

Eric's big escape from finding Allen: asking his girlfriend to marry him. I hope that goes well, they're both so talented. They met a music competition. The duets they do are almost tear-inducing (in a good way, not a bad way).

Happy Holidays,

PS I'll be away a little bit, going to see baba, and dede's funeral is soon too. Mostly though, staying with Lance and his family.
Ian and Lori STILL married. WoW.


Blogger Dreamy said...

lol... there is a show where this guy falls off the roof and turns into santa claus...

What's a leaf game?

Of course it wasn't meddlesome! Leaving him alone would have been much worse. How did he get his arms shredded though?

Anyway, happy holidays.

10:45 p.m.  
Blogger Mr. Death said...

He cut himself with a razor...shredded was just a good description of what it looked like. I've done it too...

A Toronto Maple Leafs Game! Hockey! The Canadian sport!

Good holidays to you too,


9:20 a.m.  
Blogger Dreamy said...

Why would you cut yourself with a razor? The only one I knew who ever did that before tried to write his girlfriend's name on his arm...

11:16 a.m.  
Blogger Mr. Death said...

I know from personal experience that for some, those who are self-depricating or have low self-esteem, its soothing to self-mutilate. When I was 14, I cut off all my hair with a knife and cut my arms and legs. It's a kind of typical-psycho quality that people who hate themselves or their situations have.


3:05 p.m.  
Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

I used to be a cutter. I did it because I could stand the physical pain better than the horrible emotional pain I was feeling.
I found out later that I was Bipolar II. Lithium has helped a lot. Nothing else ever worked.
I had close relatives make horrible remarks about people who cut themselves, not realizing that I was one of them!
We aren't crazy, maybe a little mixed up, but not crazy.
I hope you can find a different avenue for getting rid of your pain. But I sure know where you're coming from!

3:48 a.m.  
Blogger Mr. Death said...

It was beginning to be a serious problem for me, after a while, because I cut to much and too deeply, and landed in a coma without even meaning too. I was really terrified, and I've never done it again...but at a time, it was either that or harm towards others and psychology was lost on me.
Good luck, and thanks.

11:27 p.m.  
Blogger dragonflyfilly said...

hmmmm, i hear you...
take care, and let's chat later,

What's a leaf game -- that made me laugh, heh heh, even i knew that...

1:45 p.m.  

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